Whirlwind novelling and changing titles

Goodness, more extended radio silence. No post since May. Gulp.

In my defence, I've been ridiculously busy at work, so haven't had much time for indulgences like this. But now, with a few minutes to spare, I have an opportunity to update on my activities lately. I know all three of you are baying for this info. 

I say I was busy, and that's true, but as the saying goes, if you want something doing, ask a busy man. To wit, in July this year I wrote a 92,000 word novel in 27 days. It was madness. I started with a detailed plot breakdown (which helped immensely) and just kept on writing. One Saturday I did 10K, another I did 12K. I ride the peaks and endure the troughs. I've written nowt else since.

The book itself is rather an original tale, involving computer games. I won't give the premise away here, because the novel is under consideration at the moment, but I'm really happy with it. It's a real departure from my usual urban horror routine. I hope to say more about the book in due course.

Further news: my novel ON THE OTHER SIDE changed its name to AN END TO ALL WOES, and then became TO END ALL WOES for a while, before getting its final title - FEARFUL FESTIVITIES - because of a proposed Xmas release this year. That's all I can say at the moment, because plans need firming up. But I will add that the book is set at Christmas and is my paean to those wonderful '80s small town horror novels, with a multiple cast of characters and black comedy woven into its bleak chills. More news soonest, I promise.

Short stories? Well, I haven't written any, but I have placed a bunch. One in Paul Finch's first edited antho, a collection of tales set in the Lake District. Another in Terry Grimwood's forthcoming anthology about Monster Books For Girls. A third - a real old tale this one, which I rewrote on request - in a collection called 13. The first antho is out now, with the other two to follow later this year. I love appearing in collections. I have tons on my shelves now, and the buzz never loses its impact when they drop through the post slot. Love it.

OK, that's all from me. I hope to add the next blog sooner than this one in relation to the last. Indeed, if the Xmas novel is ready to go, I'll start being insufferable then. Until that time, good wishes and keep tuning in!


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