
Showing posts from June, 2023

LOOK AT ME -- an experimental AI illustrated short story

LOOK AT ME   Gary Fry   ... an experimental AI illustrated short story ... The last thing he could remember was stepping out of the TV studio and heading for his Porsche. Then there was only darkness … until now. As he struggled to open his eyes, a terrible pain in his skull suggested that he’d been hit so hard he’d lost consciousness. But who would want to do such a thing to him, and why? More to the point, where the hell had he been taken? He sure as hell wasn’t in the leather padded bucket seat of his car right now. Eventually he managed to gain some vision, bleary yet true. The surface of a sizeable table floated into view, and he used it to push himself upright, unmindful of the clanking as he did so. The chair in which he sat creaked as he straightened, too, sounding like every bone in his body under protest. He squinted as he accustomed himself to the whiteness of his surroundings – a smallish room, close horizons, and no obvious signs of a doorway, though one m...