
Showing posts from November, 2016

Nightmare’s Realm, edited by S T Joshi -- a review

Nightmare’s Realm (Dark Regions) – edited by S T Joshi   Review by Gary Fry   In his introduction, S T Joshi shows how dreams have played a major role in the history of weird fiction, with many major practitioners writing tales influenced by or incorporating this most mysterious of human characteristics. The editor’s mission statement here is to continue in the latter-day this long tradition, and so let’s see how well the modern writers he chose fared.   The Dreamed by Ramsey Campbell This is one of Campbell’s tales set in a foreign location, with all the sense of dislocation his characters experience heightened. A guy checks into a hotel but is soon confused for another, and as the plot unfolds this convergence of identity becomes more and more apparent, until… Well, I won’t spoil it; all I’ll say is that the tale demonstrates Campbell’s uneasy dark humour and suggestive powers to the full. A great opener.   A Predicament by Darrell Schweitzer This brief tale involv...