The Bones of You by Gary McMahon -- a review
The Bones of You by Gary McMahon Review by Gary Fry The superb cover of this book reminded me of the recent film Sinister , which is a real favourite of mine, and so I greatly looked forward to something of similar persuasion. Here we have a male narrator, whose life is troubled, and who moves into a new home to start a new life. It’s a familiar narrative technique, allowing us to join him at this existential juncture and see how it all goes. But it isn’t going to go well; we all know that. This is a horror novel. McMahon spends the opening half of the book lining up all his dominoes, bringing them tumbling down in the second half. There are great descriptions of working, recreational and interpersonal life. The author has a real gift for documenting the minutiae of everyday life, the nuanced tensions arising between people, private concerns conveyed by body language, etc. It lends the outrĂ© proceedings a convincing backdrop. I really liked the way the darker events were hinted at, bui...