My new novella is out tomorrow, folks, and the finest reviewer in the business Peter Tennant has delighted me with the following kind words in the latest edition of BLACK STATIC: " MENACE (DarkFuse eBook, 73pp, $2.99), released on the 21 st of January 2014, but available for pre-order at $1.99, is easily the most traditional of the three novellas . Pregnant after a fling with an actor, model Jane Marlow goes to an isolated house on an assignment to pose for a book cover, her presence having been specifically requested by the author. While there she has a vision of six children sitting on the grass around her, and when the book cover materialises these same children are in the photo. Jane contacts author Luke Catcher, who tells her that his book will be autobiographical and the six children on the cover are him and his brothers, while Jane is standing in for their mother. There are signs that Jane’s pregnancy is not normal and hints of something very wrong – she has developed a st...