The emergence of a new novella

Today sees the publication of my latest novella, EMERGENCE from US imprint DarkFuse . It is available as an e-book, the first time I've had a book produced with no hard copy. It will be an interesting experiment and I hope both existing readers and folk who've yet to read my stuff will take a chance on it. It's about 18,000 words, is gripping and spooky, and costs only £2 or $3 . I had the idea for this book while strolling along the beach one day. Wouldn't it be interesting, I thought, if an old guy living alone hereabouts woke up one morning and found a number of intricately carved sculptures right across the sand? A little like those amazing examples we've all seen on beaches, but these ones more ... alien, spooky, plain weird . What might such artwork betoken? Who might have created them? These were notions that troubled me for weeks, and the story went underground for a long time, until, maybe a year later, I decided to revisit. The back-brain had done its usu...