Wow, you look the other way and suddenly three and a half months flash by! I find, with some dismay, that I haven't updated this thing since before summer, largely because I've been busy as usual. Stress at work coupled with other things have limited my leisure time, and so stuff like this have been neglected. But now I'm back in the saddle to some degree. So here goes. Well, I didn't finish the novel I mentioned last time. When it came to my fortnight off, I was so knackered that I just bummed out and watched the World Cup, or went down the beach with a barbie and got all meated-up (local parlance). But I have been working on another of the novels I mentioned, which now has a title: Divided Spirits. All I can say at this stage is that it's a ghostly tale set in south London, in an old Edwardian house once occupied by a decidedly strange family. Creeps shall follow as certain as night follows day . . . What else? Oh yeah, my first novel: it's coming out at FCon...